Freelance employment hourly rate caclulator

Many freelance employment workers are asking themselfs, the question "How a freelance hourly rate might compare to a full time salary rate?".Here , in this article i will give you an advice how to calculate your hourly rate as freelance worker. The most important thing is the area of your freelance employment. It depends on that , are you a programmer, designer, writer, journalist, e-marketer, seo expert....

A formula some freelance workers have used to figure out their hourly rate is: Figure out what you'd like to make per year. Divide that by 50 weeks in the year (the other two weeks are vacations, sick time, downtime, etc.). Then take that number and divide by 40 hours per week. Very important in freelance employment is to keep in mind that as a freelancer all overhead comes out of YOUR pocket, not your employer's pocket. Insurance, electricity, housing,'s all you. So plan accordingly for that when you figure your rates. I would say that a freelance rate of pay would be 20% to 50% higher (or more) than what a salary individual makes. This does not mean higher profits, but it takes into account the higher overhead costs of a freelance worker.

If it were a question of a potential client rate difference, I do not think there should be one. While the overhead costs of freelance need to be covered by that individual, the bidding amounts need to be similar in order to be competitive. The
only chance that a freelance rate could be lower, would be if the company bidding was for a team of people, in comparison to one individual freelance bid. However, in that situation, the client should be made aware that the volume, and scope of a
project, would differ coming from an individual, in comparison to work done by a team, or firm.

Considering this on the basis of employment, in the end one could easily have a similar profit. While some freelancers do quite well, or better than salary workers at a firm, I doubt this is the normal situation. Some members of this group are
quite happy with their freelance incomes, or at least willing to live with it, since they are avoiding a controlling employment situation.

There are benefits to freelance, and there are bad aspects as well. Deciding which direction to go for employment should not be based strictly on income potential. Clients should not be leery of using freelance creatives, since they can bring in
interesting ideas at competitive rates.